Educational Projects
Educational Projects
Revision Sheet
System 1 : UNIX & Shell
As part of several revision sessions for the System 1 course organized for first-year students, I created a revision sheet summarizing the main concepts to know, shell commands, and Linux machine administration. This sheet is regularly updated to include new elements such as scripts, control structures, and appendices.
You can also download the sheet by clicking on the image next to the text.

Revision Sheet
System : UNIX & Shell
As part of several revision sessions for the System 1 course organized for first-year students, I created a revision sheet summarizing the main concepts to know, shell commands, and Linux machine administration. This sheet is regularly updated to include new elements such as scripts, control structures, and appendices.
You can also download the sheet by clicking on the image next to the text.
Exercise Sheet
The Use of Vectors in Computer Science
To help first-year computer science students at the university visualize the usefulness of mathematics, apply their knowledge of linear algebra, and improve their English, I designed an exercise sheet combining theoretical questions in linear algebra, technical questions in computer science, practical calculations, and a problem to solve using the introduced concepts.
You can also download the sheet by clicking on the image next to the text.

Exercise Sheet
The Use of Vectors in Computer Science
To help first-year computer science students at the university visualize the usefulness of mathematics, apply their knowledge of linear algebra, and improve their English, I designed an exercise sheet combining theoretical questions in linear algebra, technical questions in computer science, practical calculations, and a problem to solve using the introduced concepts.
You can also download the sheet by clicking on the image next to the text.
Linear Algebra Lecture
Elementary Matrices
As part of an oral examination, we presented linear algebra concepts in the form of a lecture on the board for a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes. At the end of this oral presentation, the peers in the room were expected to understand the presented concepts, know the underlying reasons, and be able to apply them in various mathematical problems. This project enabled the effective and engaging transmission of knowledge, thereby enhancing students' understanding and practical skills.
You can also download the sheet by clicking on the image next to the text.

Linear Algebra Lecture
Elementary Matrices
We presented linear algebra concepts in the form of a lecture on the board for a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes. At the end of this oral presentation, the peers in the room were expected to understand the presented concepts, know the underlying reasons, and be able to apply them in various mathematical problems. This project enabled the effective and engaging transmission of knowledge, thereby enhancing students' understanding and practical skills.
You can also download the sheet by clicking on the image next to the text.